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Publishing your website

It's easy#

If you are using git and Github pages, you can publish your doc website with one command:

  • moonwave build --publish

Otherwise, you can run moonwave build, and your built website will be in a folder called build in your project directory.


Remember to add the build folder to your .gitignore!

If your master branch is not master#

Moonwave needs to know your master branch to make the "Edit this page" links work. We don't detect the correct master branch right now, so by default we assume it's master. If this is wrong, you should configure it in moonwave.toml:

gitSourceBranch = "main"

Using a custom domain / Not Using Github Pages#

In the Configuration, you'll note two options:

[docusaurus]url = ""baseUrl = "/projectName"

These are the defaults. If you're hosting your website on a custom domain, or you aren't using Github Pages, these defaults will be incorrect.

In that case, you must create a moonwave.toml file and configure these options correctly.

Even if you are using Github Pages, and:

  • you're using a custom domain, or
  • you're hosting the website on the root path (, instead of need to configure both of these options, and set baseUrl = "/"

Github Pages Custom Domain CNAME file#

Github Pages requires you to create a CNAME file in your website to host on a custom domain. You should create this file at yourProjectRoot/.moonwave/static/CNAME (create the folders if they don't exist) and put your domain in the file.