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Docs, Blog and Custom Pages

Your Moonwave project can have Markdown documentation and a blog, too.

Markdown Docs#

Simply create a folder called docs in the root of your project and throw some Markdown files in there.

Your first markdown file should always be called - this is the file we will link to in the nav bar.

For an example of this, check out the default Docusaurus structure.

Sidebar order#

You can customize the order of your sidebar by adding front matter to your Markdown files.

---sidebar_position: 1---
# My title

Nested sections#

You can create nested doc sections by simply creating a subfolder inside docs and putting markdown files in it.

You can customize the name and position of the category by creating a _category_.json file and putting in it:

{  "label": "Tutorial",  "position": 3}

Optionally, you can also include the booleans collapsible to choose if the section may be collapsed and collapsed to choose if it should be by default.


Just like before, create a new folder called blog. Now you can create Markdown files with the name:

For an example of this, check out the default Docusaurus structure.

Also check out Docusaurus's official blog documentation for more information on creating a blog.

Custom Pages#

Create a folder called pages. Any markdown, mdx, js, or html pages you place in this folder will be hosted on their respective paths on your website. You can add them to the navbar by editing your moonwave.toml navbar items section.

Overriding the homepage#

You can override the homepage by creating an index.js file in pages and writing your own React code. Check out the default home page for a starting point.